Reputable Design & Installation of Koi Ponds in Johannesburg

lj5A well-designed Koi pond will offer a suitable environment for its fish species and give you plenty of pleasurable time. Given enough depth and space, Koi will swim gently around their pond, providing some tranquility and peaceful atmosphere.  Big Koi in particular lack predators and will gather up at the pond’s edge each time someone approaches, with the hope that they get something to eat. In time and with some patience, they get to learn how to take food from the hands of their keeper.

There are many styles in which Koi fish ponds can be built. They can be raised or sunken. They can have a finish made of natural rock with a nice-looking simplistic stone coping or a big rock waterfall. They’re an excellent addition to any garden.

Garden pondOur Johannesburg-based company specializes in a variety of professional garden services. We provide koi pond construction services for Koi fish, as well as fishponds for other kinds of outdoor fish such as goldfish. It is of importance to ensure proper pond construction as well as the air and water flow in the pond. For an effective pond, we provide all the essential equipment needed. Our Koi ponds Johannesburg installation can include aquatic plants, rock decorations, cement-rock formations, bridges as well as the installation and maintenance of pumps and filters, required to keep the fish not only healthy and alive but happy as well.

Your pond needs not to be a burden to you; it should be something you get to enjoy. We thus handle all koi pond maintenance leaving you burden-free. Give us a call on 087 551 0843 at any time and our friendly team will respond to your queries at no cost. We are available throughout the week.